Iga unistus
võib olla investeering
Local Action Group Peipsi-Alutaguse Chamber of Cooperation (PACC) is an LAG dedicated to local development. It was founded on14 June 2006. The founder members were 19 representatives of different sectors from the region. Our name marks from one hand the territory, but on the other hand also the range of the areas of interest and common methods. Region Peipsi-Alutaguse Chamber of Cooperation covers 7 municipalities from East-Viru County with the territory of 1762 km² and the population of 7313. The region makes up 52% of the territory of East-Viru County, but only 4% of the population. The unity of the Cooperation Chamber has been shaped by traditionally close connections, geographically common territory, similar problems and the will of the community.Summary of the strategy The strategy of Peipsi-Alutaguse Chamber of Cooperation 2008-2013 determines the common aims of integrated development of 7 municipalities located on the northern coast of Lake Peipsi (Alajõe, Avinurme, Iisaku, Illuka, Lohusuu, Mäetaguse, Tudulinna) maintaining, keeping and economically using natural and cultural resources of the region and evaluating the living environment. Peipsi-Alutaguse Chamber of Cooperation is uniting three sectors – local authorities, NGO-s and entrepreneurs. Its aim is to develop the region. Our organization has 33 members who are active, experienced in project management and is willing to work for the region. The region suffers constant decrease of population and very low business activity. The decrease in population is greatly due to the emigration of young people. To stop this region has to be changed into an attractive living- and business area. The different age groups of community are ready to act in order to support and give value to the region. Welcome to Alutaguse area! | ||
Foto:Alutaguse karuvaatlus www.natourest.ee |
Kohalik tegevusrühm
Peipsi-Alutaguse Koostöökoda - PAK on Leader-tüüpi kohalik tegevusrühm, mis pakub kaasabi elukeskkonna kaasajastamisel ja parandamisel.
Elukeskkonna parandamine sotsiaalse ja toetava infrastruktuuriga. Loodus- ja kultuuripärandi mitmekülgsem ning efektiivsem kasutamine.
Loe lähemalt projektitaotluste vastuvõtuaegade ja projektitaotluse tingimuste kohta toetuste sektsioonis. Vaata uute voorude teated uudiste all.
Peipsi-Alutaguse Koostöökoda,
Tartu mnt 49, Iisaku 41101,
tel +372 56208461, +372 55559403, Saada e-mail